Monday, February 4, 2008

Projects a'plenty!

Well, it's time for spring cleaning here at Spinning Wind! So to start, I dyed up some Rambouillet so that I can blend it and card it. It looks like a bunch of Easter eggs! Isn't it gorgeous?

Then I started playing with some other colors. I actually used up the rest of my white merino roving doing this. I'll dye the silver this week and then order up some more.

And we also created the 'World's Best Niddy Noddy' a 2 skein or 1 skein kind (I like my 2 skein, no remembering which way to twist - I get distracted!) complete with a WPI guide!

So now it's off to spin more wool, (and some luscious baby llama from!) and finish clearing out the wool closet so we can restock with more fleece! In the works this year, are cormo, California Red, Shetland, Polypay, and even a VERY special adopted sheep named Freckles! Stay tuned!

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