Sunday, November 11, 2007

Christmas is coming!!

xmas 008
Today, we decorated our tree, and also taught some little spinners to spin on my Little Louey Louet wheel. They had a fun time learning, and make Pokemon ornaments out of the yard they spun. Kids are great spinners (since they learn so much easier than adults) and they're so creative, the overspun yarn is perfect in their minds and wonderful for a craft!

While not decorating and singing Christmas songs, I managed to finish plying 3 skeins of hand painted yarn. I tried a new plying method, and though the first time it was a pain, the next 2 went easy. These skeins have a little more interest due to the fact I was learning so the ply isn't quite as even, but they are gorgeous all the same! My helper also finished a hat out of green and white merino. It's beautiful! The next project is to get my loom up and running. Yes, it came home! And yes, it is gorgeous!

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